Suspect you have a woodworm infestation, but aren’t sure? There are a plethora of symptoms to look out for, so we’ve provided a list of the top signs that your timber is afflicted. No one wants to deal with woodworm, but if you don’t, you’ll hemorrhage cash on repairs. Luckily, spotting the signs is the first step to cleansing the infestation. Keep reading to find out more.
What Is Woodworm?
Woodworm refers to the collective species of wood-eating larvae. They target untreated wood and have a preference for wood with a dedicated moisture level. However, if allowed to fester, the woodworm will burrow through your foundations and structural timber to cause irreparable damage. As a result, your frameworks will require costly replacements. There are several types of woodworm, some of which are more detrimental than others, so it’s important to identify which are infecting your home before seeking treatment.
The different types include the Common Furniture Beetle, Death Watch Beetle and Ambrosia Beetle. There are several species with their own quirks, so identification beforehand is crucial. If you’re unsure, you can always contact us for a consultation.
Do I have a woodworm infestation?
Despite the different types of woodworms, the overall signs of an infestation are universal. The most obvious sign is small holes in your timber or beetles emerging from the holes – alive or dead. The larvae may also be visible, but they are much more difficult to spot, as are the eggs. Beetles will often be roaming for a mate. Another sign is dust around the holes known as frass. It’s a fine powder that woodworm leave behind when they burrow. However, this is not necessarily indicative of a serious infestation, but it’s still important to contact a specialist as soon as possible.
Signs of a severe infestation include physical damage and wear to your timber structures. You may also notice the edges crumbling and disintegrating.

Frequently asked questions
It’s always better to clear out an infestation as soon as you notice it. This will prevent structural damage to your home that will result in costly repairs.
Thankfully, it’s not contagious at all. Once a woodboring beetle has found its home, it’s unlikely to pack up and find somewhere else to raise its young, even if you offer it ‘clean’ wood.
Woodworm undergo a metamorphosis similar to caterpillars, but the end result is less colorful. They develop into woodboring beetles that have a miniscule lifespan: 10-14 for females and 3-6 for males. However, the larvae stage of the woodworm’s lifespan is the most detrimental to your structural timber and foundations. This stage can last for several years, which is why it’s crucial to clear the infestation as soon as possible. The beetles are not as dangerous as the larvae.
Woodworm Infestation Treatments with Terminate Pest Control
For premium woodworm treatments at affordable prices, contact Terminate Pest Control. We have been operating for over 20 years and have experience dealing with all manner of pests and insects. Our team of friendly professionals are more than happy to help with any woodworm related query, so call us today for more information.